Your Data, Your Rewards Make AI data

We're building a marketplace of ethically sourced AI data that pays back original creators. Claim your data to be a part of it.

Why Your Data Matters

The largest AI companies were built using data that was taken without asking. It's unfair to the creators whose work is powering the diversity of these models, only for them to see no rewards. In a world where AI is only as good as the data it learns from, your creative work is invaluable. Get paid for it.

It's time for creators first.

The Reward:

FAIR token

Contribute your data to the platform and earn $FAIR tokens, turning your work into an asset and securing your ownership. When AI companies buy your data from us, we distribute the majority of the revenue back to you, in the form of data dividends.

Visit our Docs to learn how our system works, and how data ownership is properly accredited.

It’s simple: it's your data, your reward.

How It Works

Got a GitHub, GitLab or DeviantArt account with valuable work? Claim the rights to your data and monetize it in our upcoming marketplace.



Seamlessly link your GitHub, GitLab, or DeviantArt account. We're constantly adding more platforms to ensure everyone can participate.



Browse your creations and select what to contribute to our first ethically sourced data pool, licensed specifically for AI training.



Secure your spot in our data marketplace and earn boosted rewards as an early adopter. Send a clear message that #ethicalAI is not just a catchphrase.



Coming Soon!

When our platform goes live, authorize storage of your data and get FAIR tokens, representing your immutable stake in the pool’s revenue.


We will NOT store any data at this stage. You’ll be asked to provide consent during the redeem phase. Learn more about how we measure contributions.

Join the Movement


MBs of claimed code

(0 goal)


claimed images

(0 goal)

Ready to be a pioneer?

Every piece of code, every piece of art counts. Join us in building a fair data marketplace that rewards creators.

Claim your data. Lead the change.


Bit by Bit, Build the Future

Whether it's a sleek website or groundbreaking open-source project, browse through a collection of your artifacts and choose what you want to contribute to our code dataset. Act now to secure your spot and earn extra rewards for being an early contributor.

Available rewards boost

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Pixel by Pixel, Paint Tomorrow

Browse through your creative portfolio and choose what you want to contribute to our art dataset, whether it is a simple sketch or a digital masterpiece of any style. Act now to secure your spot and earn extra rewards for being an early contributor.

Available rewards boost

Learn more

Your voice counts. Support our mission with a retweet.

Which message speaks to you the most?

🌟 Get rewarded for your creative and expert work; the Fair AI Data Claim phase has launched. ✅ Claim your data and secure your stake in the first ethically sourced AI training dataset. #CreatorsFirst

🌱 Ethically-sourced AI data is not a pipe dream, Fair AI Data launched to remedy unconsented data scraping, and ensure creators are properly compensated and accredited. 🛡️ #EthicalAI

Stay Connected

Follow us on social for the latest news, project updates, and discussions, as we continue building the future of AI data.

Fair AI Data